EMR/EHR systems
Healthcare IT Experts has developed its own EMR/EHR systems that can be utilized for further modifications and customizations to suit different specialties. We have already worked for General practices, psychiatric practices, and many more….
The major features of our EMR systems are as following:
- Hospital/Clinic Management and customizations possible at clinical level
- Multi-user based system, with user access mechanism for different staff members
- Work Scheduling Management System
- Patient management and listing
- Comprehensive Appointment and Scheduling
- Document Management System
- Patient charting module and SOAP notes
- Record demographics, vitals, insurance, smoking status, allergies, medications, immunizations, conditions, social history, family history, and many other crucial information
- E-prescription
- Accounting module
- Billing Management and Claim Generation (EDI 837)
- Payer Management
- Can be integrated with clearing houses (on requirement basis)
- Activity Log Tracking and Monitoring
- Interoperability-ready modules for Lab and Radiology Integration
- In-built DICOM Viewer facility (on-requirement basis only)
- Subscription based access mechanism
- Compliant to ICD9/10
- Alert & Notifications
- In adherence to HL7 standards
- In Adherence to HIPAA standards
The major benefit of utilizing our existing EMR framework is:
- Reduced Development time and time to market
- Robust foundational Architecture for any customizations
- Modular framework to support ‘Plug & Play’ system
- Well tested and quality assured product
- Near to zero maintenance and complete maintenance support
- Ready for SaaS or PaaS models
Patient Health Records (PHR):
A personal health record is simply an electronic collection of information about one’s health. It is a tool that you can use to collect, track and share past and current information about your health or the health of someone in your care. Sometimes this information can save you the money and inconvenience of repeating routine medical tests. Even when routine procedures do need to be repeated, your PHR can give medical care providers more insight into your personal health story.
It is important to note that PHRs are not the same as electronic health records (EHRs). The latter are software systems designed for use by health care providers. Like the data recorded in paper-based medical records, the data in EHRs are legally mandated notes on the care provided by clinicians to patients. There is no legal mandate that compels a consumer or patient to store her personal health information in a PHR.
PHR contains various details, such as: identification Sheet, Problem List,Medical Conditions, Medication Record,Procedures & Surgeries,Doctors, Allergies, Vital Signs, History and Physical, Insurance Log &
Data, Family History, Social History, Progress Notes, Consultation,Physician’s Orders, Imaging and X-ray Reports, Lab Reports,Immunization Record, Consent and Authorization Forms.